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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Of Service

Spend your Martin Luther King Jr. Day performing service at one of the Metro’s oldest nonprofits. Fontenelle Forest is offering three volunteer opportunities for all skill levels and abilities.

If you are volunteering with a group, please contact us at [email protected].

Project: Linden Trail Thinning Project
Contact person: Jeanine Lackey
Location: Nature Center – Linden Trail
Time: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Activities: Thinning trees and brush from Linden Trail.
Number of volunteers: Up to 30 (family friendly)
Details: Please bring gloves and dress for the weather as we will be working outside.
Meeting location: Fontenelle Forest Nature Center.

Project: Camp Brewster Touch-ups
Contact Person: Ray Turkle
Location: Camp Brewster
Time: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Activities:  Painting the bathrooms and possibly the kitchen at Camp Brewster
Number of volunteers: Up to 30 (family friendly)
Details:  If you have brushes or rollers, feel free to bring them, but we should have enough supplies to spruce up this building!

Project: Fairy Faire Crafting
Contact Person: Jamie Vann
Location: Fontenelle Forest Nature Center
Time: 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Activities:  Cut yarn and pipe cleaners, dye coffee filters, or collect seeds, shells, or sticks for wands if it is not snowy.
Number of volunteers: 15 max

Fontenelle Forest is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit.

Make a tax deductible donation NOW

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