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CNN Elevates Lead Poisoning in Eagles to a National Topic of Concern

The epidemic of lead poisoning in eagles is fast-becoming a national topic of concern. As news is spreading about this issue, some hunters are concerned that conservationists are attempting to limit their rights.

Although we understand their concerns, this could not be farther from the truth. We want to eliminate the materials that are being unintentionally left behind that are subsequently poisoning eagles and other animals. We are pro-animal, not anti-hunting. We in no way want to limit hunting or hunter’s rights.

CNN published this article yesterday that points out this important distinction. “This is a war on lead, not a war on hunters.” Please take a moment to read this well-written message: https://www.cnn.com/…/bald-eagles-dying-lead-po…/index.html…

Our hope is that by educating the public about the tragic, painful death these eagles are being subjected to, we can appeal to the compassion and great respect we know hunters have for all living creatures. Once they understand the consequences of using lead shot, we hope they choose to do the right thing and switch to a non-lead alternative such as copper.

To learn more about promoting hunting and wildlife conservation through the use of non-lead ammunition, visit http://www.huntingwithnonlead.org/.

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